Sunday, February 12, 2006

Search Engine Optimization - Basics Matter

There is a ton of information on the Web about Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing - enough to make even this seasoned optimizer a bit glossy-eyed. But the thing about SEO and SEM is that it is the basics that matter - and they are often forgotten.

I am not a programmer. I don't like code, and the real programmers don't like it when I go in and muck it up. I am like that dude in the Matrix who can read through it - sort-of - and see what is going on behind it, but don't think for a second I can or should come up with my own.

From an SEO stand-point that actually gives me an advantage. I don't get caught up in the tweaking of said code... short of instructing on the proper use of tags, or frames vs. no frames, flash vs. no flash - I stay out. My strength is in the basics - content, linking, flow, PR, alt text and the like.

I have been working on with The Filter Store Web site for a few years now. It may be the site I have been doing SEO on continuously-- for the longest. It is a site that came to me already designed and developed. It is not an attractive site, and at this point is a bit dated. And yet, the client is quite happy with it and has refused my attempts to get them to redesign - because they are already bringing in plenty of business, and do not want to get any more! The SEO is working.

This is a simple site. It is big though, with lots of pages, and keyword-rich text. The site is full of inner-links - like a crazy spider-web. There are not a lot of outside links - although I wish there were, and I will be working on this... (uh - starting now). Mostly this site just has great content for its phrases. It is the basic things like that that make good SEO. I can't control the look of this site, The code would take more time and effort than the client would want me to spend, but with the basics, this site is producing results.

The Filter Store site is plain but effective, and sometimes this is what matters. Good SEO is about providing quality information in a quality manner.

Friday, February 03, 2006

SEO - Meg's "Duh" Moment

So I am not keen on public speaking. Not keen and not good at... although that doesn't stop me from accepting invitations to do so, it just sometimes stops repeat invitations from coming in...

The other day I was asked by the Director of BNI in my area to give a little update/speech on Power Groups at an awards lunch. It was a last minute request, albeit for a short little report, but it put this introvert-shy girl into a tailspin.

Ok - I thought... "where to find good information on BNI power groups..quick! - .ah, the internet..."

(that was sarcasm, not the "duh" moment I was referring to).

So I found this great article really quickly, and it was SO relevant--well written, informative, to the point... it was perfect. So I printed it out and as I am reading through it I get to the end... and it says "(c) 2004 Meghan Wier"

whoops... that's me.

Well, I guess I am a pretty good source on that subject. That is why I was asked to talk about it. But the problem with having a working knowledge on Search Engine Optimization and an annoying habit of writing stuff down, I have created a library of information online - much of which is now out-ranking other really great (but not as optimized) sites.

Usually this is their loss. I will gladly help them out-rank me for a small nominal fee. But until then I am going to have to try to remember what it is that I have written about...

But if I forget, I know where to find it. The Internet of course.

To see my article on BNI power groups - click here.

Meghan Wier
Insomniac, Author and Crazed Search Engine Optimizer
Rochester, NY

Search Engine Optimization - waiting and not waiting for results

Search Engine Optimization is a lot about time - and about a lot of time. It takes time to be indexed and re-indexed. It takes time to get good page rank on Google. It takes time to move up in positioning. It takes time to build a quality, content rich site.

And while you are waiting the months that that takes... well you can really wait. Sitting back and waiting can completely sabotage your chances of reaching the top of the search engines... at least for some time...

Page rank will degrade over time, content will become stale, algorithms change - Search Engines Change, get bought out, move on, etc... You need to continue working to get your site to the top of the engines, even as you are waiting to be noticed by the engines at all.

As of today (Feb 3rd 2006) Google has given me the great gift of top ten ranking (6th) for the term "SEO Expert Rochester" - Not too bad. (Thank you GOOGLE GODS!) Some of my linking site - directories and feed sites are starting to show as well. I like that - but it has taken a lot of work, and a lot of time.

Search Engine Optimization - and expertise in SEO is not something that comes easy, but it can be done with enough persistence - and patience. Your site will benefit from the attention you give it, and the work you put in. And when your site benefits from good SEO, your business will benefit from good SEO.

Meghan Wier
SEO Expert in Rochester, NY
and author of:
Confessions of an Introvert, now available on, and

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