Friday, February 03, 2006

Search Engine Optimization - waiting and not waiting for results

Search Engine Optimization is a lot about time - and about a lot of time. It takes time to be indexed and re-indexed. It takes time to get good page rank on Google. It takes time to move up in positioning. It takes time to build a quality, content rich site.

And while you are waiting the months that that takes... well you can really wait. Sitting back and waiting can completely sabotage your chances of reaching the top of the search engines... at least for some time...

Page rank will degrade over time, content will become stale, algorithms change - Search Engines Change, get bought out, move on, etc... You need to continue working to get your site to the top of the engines, even as you are waiting to be noticed by the engines at all.

As of today (Feb 3rd 2006) Google has given me the great gift of top ten ranking (6th) for the term "SEO Expert Rochester" - Not too bad. (Thank you GOOGLE GODS!) Some of my linking site - directories and feed sites are starting to show as well. I like that - but it has taken a lot of work, and a lot of time.

Search Engine Optimization - and expertise in SEO is not something that comes easy, but it can be done with enough persistence - and patience. Your site will benefit from the attention you give it, and the work you put in. And when your site benefits from good SEO, your business will benefit from good SEO.

Meghan Wier
SEO Expert in Rochester, NY
and author of:
Confessions of an Introvert, now available on, and


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